Happy šŸŽƒ

šŸŽƒ šŸŽƒ


TheĀ Halloween spiritĀ is in the air, and there are pumpkins in the windows and eerie decorations on the lawns. Lots of people join in on the fun this day by wearing costumes and throwing parties. Children go from house to house to collect treats.

Trick or treat. You are so sweet, and it would be great if we could meet. Halloween greetings and best wishes for the Happiest Halloween ever.

Social Media…


There’s no way to deny it – Social media is a huge part of our daily lives. Itā€™s a useful tool to connect millions of individuals around the world and it’s great for sharing opinions and thoughts about, well, basically anything.

In my business its the Escorting World….. I do enjoy twitter occasionally for updates and to share some of myself to the twitter world.Ā  But I am low key.

I donā€™t know how I feel about this idea of, ā€˜Now, Iā€™m eating dinner, and I want everyone to know that Iā€™m having dinner at this timeā€™ or who and what I am doing on my dates.ā€™ That, to me, is a very strange phenomenon. I canā€™t think of anything Iā€™d rather do less than have to continuously share details of my everyday life.Ā  But Iā€™d rather that people had less access to my personal life.

I prefer live interaction and I truly enjoy writing in my blog!!!

Many insecure people fall into this trap and rely on social media to mask insecurities. In reality, however, doing this only magnifies insecurities.

I can’t tell you how many peopleĀ  who scroll through the same person’s profile pictures over and over again.your social media is meant to beĀ yourĀ page. Stop stalking other people — itā€™s a waste of your time. Just do you!

Imagine this scenario – you post a photo or a status and every hour (or more), you scroll through your list of people who liked whatever it is that you posted. It might sound a bit extreme, but people do it constantly.

There’s nothing wrong with posting things on social media, but there’s a lot wrong with obsessing over whether or not people approve of what you post. Who cares if someone ā€œlikedā€ your status or not?Ā Who cares if you don’t get as many “likes” for your default photo as your friend? Who cares if no one retweeted your tweet?

Insecure people are always seeking some kind of approval for the things they do, but in reality, it shouldn’t matter if someone likes something you posted or not. Part of being confident means being able to post things without seeking approval. Stop caring about the “likes.”

If you like what you posted, it doesn’t matter who else does or doesn’t.

So long as you can fully remember the great experience you had, it shouldn’t matter if you post anything. OnlyĀ youĀ need to enjoy the moment. Who cares about what other people think of what you did?

I love pink.šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•


Pink, a delicate color that means sweet, nice, playful, cute, romantic, charming, feminine, and tenderness, is associated with bubble gum, flowers, clothes, cotton candy, and sweetness.

The color pinkĀ is the color of universal love of oneself and of others. Pink represents friendship, affection, harmony, inner peace, and approachability.

PinkĀ is the official color for girls and represents sugar and spice and everything nice. Pink is the sweet side of the color red.Ā Ā While light pink is used to communicate tenderness.

I love massages…..šŸ’•šŸ’•


I love massages and I’m notorious for it. I’m asking my friends to give me short back rubs every day, I had the most amazing massage this evening.

I’m all ‘mushy’ right now and very happy.

I like really hard massages that usually require stronger hands.Ā  As his lover, I can bring romance and intimacy to the massage in a big way.Ā 

Massage is beautifully simple when you know where to rub and how to do it. And scientifically speaking, it does amazing things for your relationship.

Every massage has that one point where your partner’s body simply gives in. If you’re tuned in enough, you’ll notice it happen as if you’ve flicked a light switch. That moment where they fall into deep relaxation and melt under the rhythmical motion of your hands is the moment you’ve gained their complete trust.

When you begin massaging, it feels so good that you don’t want to leave and enter the real world again.

Now, if you want to move in with some kisses on the back of the neck and shoulders by all means please do…..

Travels to Kingston soon.

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I want to tell you a story, every day I wake up in the morning feeling energized from all the positivity that surrounds me and it is such a blessing to greet life with a smile. And just like any other day, I head on to start my day with a cup of coffee and read a bit about the world and and my emails next.

I have had some requests to visit Kingston Ontario.Ā  I might go on an adventure trip soon.Ā  If I go I will have a condo.

Without new experiences, something inside of us sleeps.


Warm Thanksgiving GreetingsšŸ’•


Thanksgiving is more than the festivities, it gives us time to ponder upon what lessons we learnt and how we can spread happiness around, to look back at all the great memories and the good people who came into our lives. I appreciate you so much.

If youā€™re reading this from the United States, you may be wondering why Iā€™m talking about Thanksgiving! But, in case you werenā€™t aware, up here in Canada, we celebrate Thanksgiving in October.Ā 

Gathering with friends and family to enjoy a laugh, and of course, a bountiful feast is something everyone can be thankful for this time of year.

Happy Thanksgiving Day to you and your loved ones.

Is it almost Thanksgiving??


Am I the only one who can barely believe that it is already Thanksgiving? I feel the holiday really snuck up on all of us this year. Life moves fast, there is almost no denying it. Thanksgiving provides us a much needed opportunity to slow down for a moment and appreciate what we have.

People in general seem to be programmed to focus on the problems and challenges in their lives, rather than to count their blessing. Its natural, and it allows us to be more effective in our careers, but it also can cause us to take things for granted. Thanksgiving solves that problem by forcing us to reflect on everything good that we have, but may not think about on a daily basis.

I know I have much to be thankful for this year. Among other things, I am thankful for my wonderful clients.

It has been a true pleasure to meet so many exceptional people. I look forward to growing relationships with all of these fine individuals in the future.

Thanks again to everyone, and I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving! I look forward to staying in touch.Ā