Social Media!!!

IF a stranger were to scroll through my twitter and blogs, there is not much they will see/ know in my personal life. There are no pictures of my relationships, no captions detailing my innermost private feelings .

That is intentional. While I appreciate and value others’ more intimate and vulnerable posts, I also know it’s OK to choose not to share those personal moments on social media.

I DO allow them to know me as I write from my heart about Stephanie!

First of all, no one needs to know where I am and what I am doing at each moment, and few people even have a right to know those things. We tend to forget that our closest friends have had to earn the privilege of receiving our trust throughout time. In doing so, we often end up giving it to our online followers for free (whether deserved or not).

I have found that the less I share online, the more meaningful my in-person experiences become. It’s not just the difference between watching a sunset and taking pictures of it either. When I hear big news from a friend in person, rather than on social media, for instance, there’s an authentic sense of shared excitement and celebration that can’t be replicated online.

To be honest private life is the most peaceful life. Detaching from social media and attaching to the inner soul brings peace into my life!

It’s what’s inside that counts

‘It’s what’s on the inside that counts”

Waking up in the morning, and this was what I was reminded by a tea bag. It is such a true and interesting concept isn’t it?

It’s what’s on the inside that counts.

Finding something, little things that would sooth you might be more important than getting that shinning star that everyone is talking about.

This sentence really sums up the importance of the inner peace, emotional wellbeing, and mental health.

It’s nice to be reminded to get a tea bag, relax a bit, have a deep breath, and take a good care of ourselves.

PC Bravery !

Its a brilliant way of communication when first contacting me for the serious – for our date! A nice introduction , the time and length of date.

No date is booked without a proper phone call for our first date!

Communication technology – It’s the best of tools when used well. It’s the worst of tools when it’s not.

The suitors I have met and we have a trusting relationship – texts, emails are an awesome way to schedule your date!

SO often we take the easy and often cowardly option of using email or text messaging to avoid a real time conversation

When it comes to communicating issues saying you need privacy and discretion puts you in the red flag category – nothing can ever replace a good old fashioned conversation.  Hiding behind your computer screen, not only lacks courage and courtesy.

As revolutionizing as technology has been, it’s also become an all too convenient way to avoid the real work of meaningful communication -when it matters most when we are going to be intimately involved.

IF you have to bow out of a commitment, such as cancelling a date making a call can simply be an act of courtesy that shows you genuinely care about our relationship.  

So, next time you’re tempted to fire off a quick email or text in a moment of cowardice, ask yourself whether this is the best method or if you’re really avoiding something ( and taking the easy option.)  However awkward your conversation may be, in this era of communication cowardice, having the courage to come out from hiding can make a profound difference to the quality of the relationships you build, the influence you grow and, as ironic as it may seem, your communication efficiency!

Go on be brave. If your serious about meeting me once we have finalized our date please call.

Let’s just be kind “Peace and love, it’s all about peace and love”

Be Kind!!

“Don’t respond to rudeness. When people are rude to you, they reveal who they are, not who you are. Don’t take it personally. Be silent.”

Whenever a person is actively offending someone to make them feel bad, he is revealing a big part of his own personality.

What others say or think about you has nothing to do with reality. It’s just their perception.

Sure, we’d all like to be around people who are kind and loving, but the harsh reality is that rudeness exists. Yet, it doesn’t need to affect you and especially not your wellbeing.

If someone is rude to you, let them be, it’s not your business, it’s theirs.

Whenever I see someone being mean to others, I honestly feel sorry for them. Any emotion that you express is born inside you. If you spread hate, you feel hatred. If you, however, spread love and joy, these are the emotions you feel deep inside.

You can’t fully love someone if you don’t love yourself. And you can’t be rude to a person if you don’t also think and feel poorly about yourself.


Edging is the ultimate (and easiest!) way to tease you, I will bring you right to the brink of orgasm, but then, instead of climaxing, you stop, rest, and repeat.

There’s no exact timeline on how long you should be doing this – it could be anywhere from an hour to a few hours – eventually, when you finally allow the orgasm to arrive, it will feel much stronger and more intense than if I hadn’t edged your way there!