Sunshine! NEWS!!

The time has finally come, people. I FINALLY THINK WINTER IS OVER!!!! Needless to say, it feels like it has taken an eternity to get here. And if you live in a place with all four seasons, you are probably breathing a huge sigh of relief.

When we are at a low point on a boiling day, and we feel like the heat has drained all the energy out of our bodies, we can think of all the times when sweating has been a time of sweet pleasure — while making love, dancing, jogging, or any other form of exercise. Keep in mind that sweating is not only a sign of discomfort and inconvenience but a sign that the body is exerting itself and feeling good. Give thanks for your body’s diverse responses to the world and the flesh.🥰

Updates about me,

New photo shoot soon,

Travels soon!


I am fine. No, that is an understatement. Actually I am feeling amazingly great…. Every day I can decide on how to spend my time, completely free without restrictions.

So are you aware of the beauty of your life?

Have you noticed something at this point? You, I and all the other people those who are reading these lines have a hundred times easier, safer and better lives than millions of people across the globe who spend their lives on the street corners. And most of the time they have to worry whether they will get their food the next day.

But are we aware of these facts? Not really, instead of being grateful most of us don’t even realize how amazing our lives are. People lose the appreciation of their beautiful lives while concentrating on problems and being pessimistic about their current situation. We consider thousands of things in our lives for granted, because it’s totally normal for us, like being able to have a shower, or to have food on our tables, day after day. Furthermore, the vast majority of us does not have to worry on whether we are going to have something to eat for the next day, as our main trouble is on what to eat the next day – something that might be a pure luxury for someone.

I went downtown Toronto this week and noticed and gave small bags of snacks to the homeless and I always wonder how long they have been living that way. Are people homeless for months, years or most of their lifetimes?

One thing I have noticed that the street dwellers are often even happier than thousands of residents in the apartments and luxury houses; though they lack so many things from food to pure luxury articles like a TV – that we consider to be ordinary. Could it be that these people appreciate their lives a lot more, due to the fact of not being able to know whether they would enjoy the next day? Perhaps they don’t even focus on material things or tangibles like money; instead they enjoy the time when someone is just giving them food or a simple hello!

So from now on, please think a bit about your own life! Instead of constantly dealing with the negative aspects in our lives, we should make ourselves conscious that we have a great chance given and that we can take every step necessary to make our lives even more beautiful. If we risk an even closer look onto our lives we might notice that it is already really amazing. It just depends on our mindsets and our point of view.

And everyday at least, we should hear a little song, read a good story, and speak a few reasonable words. Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.

Be Kind ❤

Happy Easter! 🐰

Easter season has finally arrived – which means it’s time to chomp the ears off those chocolate bunnies, grab your baskets for festive effects hunts,  it’s also important to remember what this springtime holiday is really about – the season of renewal.

Happy Easter, everyone! Spring is in the air, the birds are tweeting and summer is just right around the corner in the air – there are definitely a lot of reasons to celebrate. With easter and the warmer weather to look forward to, I am excited to give you another reason to celebrate the holiday visiting me !!

Easter is a time to give thanks, and I couldn’t be more grateful for you!

As always, I thank you for having me in your life!


April wishes!!!🌸

March is almost at an end and what a very busy month it has been again! One doesn’t always realize just how busy March is not only in the business world but also in private lives.

In the next few months, flowers will be sprouting up, and we’ll hear countless birds chirping and see them flying overhead on a regular basis. We’ll watch the rainfall poetically to renew the Earth surrounding us, and maybe we’ll take a walk and jump in the puddles. Our walks throughout the neighborhood will require less layers with each passing week, and hopefully, our fears will shed as well as we see hope continuing on all around us.

New insights, new experiences, new goals and a new beginning. These are my wishes for you. Happy New Month to you, my loves!! May your all wishes come true with each passing day

Hello, April! Surprise me.🌹