Why do men see me???

The number one reason I think men see escorts is, in my experience, because their emotional and physical needs are not being met. The one thing they all have in common is that they have a need. A need for intimacy, and much, much more.

When a man is with me, at some point clothes come off and when we are naked, we are vulnerable and raw. We are all on the same level. Believe it or not, men feel they can open up, they feel comfortable and they feel whatever they say won’t be judged.”

Many men, not knowing where else to turn, discuss their most intimate secrets with me – their relationship struggles, their insecurities about their bodies, the kinks that they are embarrassed to share with their partners. they share things with escorts that they would not share with anyone else.

Mr. B explains…My wife and I have a very good marriage. The problem is, I need more sex than she gives me. I don’t want to have an affair, as that would feel like too much of an emotional betrayal. So coming to you seems like a good compromise – a way of getting what I need without letting my wife down. If I didn’t come to you, I would probably turn to adultery, which would hurt her even more and probably end our marriage. I justify what I do by reminding myself that I work hard all day, so coming to see you is my reward for being a good husband and father the rest of the time.

Mr. A explains…“I like to try things — I’m not going to say what — that a girlfriend once told me was kinky. When I. see Stephanie , I’m not worried about what I ask for. Nothing shocks her.”

I also met a lot of men whose wives were very unwell and couldn’t have sex. It wasn’t the lack of sex that drove them to visit me, they felt overwhelmed with grief even when their partners were still alive. I provided a safe place for them to express that.”

I’ve always been shy and have never found meeting women to be easy. I was 24, and a virgin, so I decided to see Stephanie finally lose my virginity.

Jealousy by a Green eyed Monster👿

Chances are that when someone is hating on you, it’s not about you at all. It’s about them. It’s their fear, their jealousy, their boredom, and their insecurity.

Never hate people who are jealous of you, but respect their jealousy because they’re the ones who think you’re better than them.

It’s sad how some people are so jealous and intimidated by you that they only have negative things to say when they know absolutely nothing about you.

Jealousy releases anger and anger is the greatest and the ultimate enemy that can forever determine your judgement and ultimately withhold your destiny.

Jealousy is a terrible disease…Get well soon!

Life is indeed, crazy and unexpected.

Thinking back to when I was a little girl, I never dreamt of being stabbed in my back When I was a little girl in a small country town – remember thinking nothing bad could ever get to me, because I was tougher than I looked and could handle more than I thought.


I know my story.

I know the pit of hell I was in.

I know how far I have come as a woman, girlfriend, friend, and human being.

I have fought through bitterness, I managed to learn how to be my own support system when I felt like no one else was on my side.

If you’re searching for that one person who will change your life, look no further than the mirror. This is YOUR life. So, you need to be the one to decide to take control of it. No one else will want to help you if you can’t even help yourself. This will not happen overnight. It will likely feel like an everyday battle, and for some, it is. And that’s okay. But you need to wake up every day and choose you. Be your own cheerleader. else. Never be ashamed of your story, because it will inspire others. Your life will unfold in proportion to your courage.

We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work for both is the exact same. So, it’s up to you which one you want to be. Oh, and one more thing we need to all learn;  . Good things come to those who work their asses off and never give up.

You’re allowed to break down temporarily, but always pick yourself back up along with all the pieces, rebuild, and come back stronger than ever.

I love the person I’ve become because I’ve fought like hell, and walked through hell, with a smile on my face, to become her. Now, it’s your turn.

Role Play Time!!!

Any kind of sex-related or kinky role play starts from one place – your imagination. But before you do anything, it’s important to have a proper chat about your expectations, boundaries, safe words. So, all that playing dress up or pretending to be a superhero you did as a kid was the innocent version of what you can do now. Get elaborate or keep it simple – it’s all about doing what turns you on.

In role play, you’re limited only by your imagination. Think of any scenario that turns you on even if it’s just the excitement of a first date with someone you’ve been lusting over. Your dirty thoughts are sexy inspiration for all your role play games.

Role play is one of the best ways to add life back in your sex life. When you pretend you’re someone else and enact a scene, you can bring your fantasies to life and share different facets of yourself with me!!

So, what stops people from engaging in role play in the bedroom? The number one reason is … embarrassment. They feel silly, self-conscious, and foolish. That’s understandable and quite normal. But you’re missing a world of love, fun, and pleasure if you let that fear keep you from exploring role play.

Lets roleplay 💕


Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, “What’s in it for me”

I keep my circle small and my walls high.
I’ll treat you the same way you treat me.
Even though my heart is big and I love hard & give❤
NEVER underestimate me.