Happy 🎃

As we approach Halloween 2020, the world certainly seems terrifying, though perhaps not quite in the ways we usually associate with the holiday.

Fortunately, you can always curl up on the couch with a big bag of candy and a horror movie and call it a night.

A rare blue moon will light up the sky on Oct. 31, 2020, making everyone’s Halloween just a little bit spookier!!! “My Mom used to tell me that a full moon was when mysterious things happen and wishes come true.

This year has been immensely stressful for many, and that surrounding yourself with small things that bring you joy, like Pumpkins … Christmas tree and decorations, could really boost your mental health.

With the year we’ve had, everyone could do with a bit of happiness. It’s (finally) something positive and joyful to look forward to. Christmas always provides a reason for celebration and a relaxing welcomed break, so it’s understandable that people are looking forward to and plan for it earlier than ever this year.

But what about putting your tree up super early – say November? “Decorating your home early can create that neurological shift, a spike in the feel-good hormone dopamine which can produce happiness. If there was ever a year to make an exception to decorate early, this could be it. It’s a crazy year. If putting up your Christmas tree early will bring you a little extra joy, why not,” she adds.: “Christmas is about family, love, and togetherness. The tree is the physical symbol of these values and in a year of separation, having this reminder in our homes is worth a whole lot more.”

I hope you find yourself comforted during these darkening days with the love that shines from within you.💕

Writing from my soul!

I picked up a bunch of books on writing and journaling! They started trickling in slowly, and I was beyond excited to receive this book !!

While I’ve been reading several of them at once, but this first one I finished is called “Writing Down Your Soul” by Janet Conner.

The author gently guides the reader through the steps needed to where they can open up to the Voice within, to really share on the written page from their heart and soul. Janet shares her incredible life story as she guides the reader to seek their own inner wisdom. With a comprehensive list of question to ask the voice, she aids the reader to find their own list of questions, and thereby answers, to their deepest thoughts and inner soul..

When you’re caught up in something you really love, your mind goes quiet and your soul takes over. It’s a beautiful, freeing feeling and something we should all strive to experience more often.

When I write – I let my soul guide me!!!!!

Thanksgiving weekend!!!

This has been a challenging year!! As we celebrate the Thanksgiving weekend, it can be hard to feel thankful when life hands us challenge after challenge, especially when we feel we can’t handle any more..

As I head into Thanksgiving 2020. I arrive with gratitude for all that I have learned whether I wanted to learn these lessons or not. I am forever changed by the events of 2020- but it is my choice to respond to those losses with either anger or understanding. It is important to recognize that we have no control what will happen each day other than to have gratitude about our ability to control our own responses and behavior to each hard situation life hands us. If it has been hard for you to feel thankful in 2020, I hope that you can instead feel gratitude that you can read this today and that you have the opportunity to spend Thanksgiving with at least one person that you love and care about. If your house was full in the past and you felt overwhelmed by the preparation for such a big group, you should realize how lucky you are and how much gratitude should fill your heart. Be thankful that you can be grateful.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving..

Even with all the chaos 2020 has presented us with, there is still so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. We’d even argue one of the greatest gifts this challenging year has given us was a new perspective on the things we’ve been taking for granted all this time! A new perspective on just how grateful I am for the simplest of things. And while many are still struggling this Thanksgiving, I hope you are able to take a moment and practice some gratitude for all the lessons 2020 has brought us.

Happy Thanksgiving! I know this year has been rough, but I see your strength and wish you all the best this Thanksgiving!!