No nonsense kind of gal!

This is very simple. Everyone in my immediate circle has to earn the right to be apart of my world. If someone is my friend that means they have put in the neccessary requirements to have that title in my life. Now if I am giving people a place in my life that they did not earn, then shame on me ! When you fake book, cancel last min appointments use phone apps ( yes I check) you will not probably get a second chance!!!

What is the point of all this talking if we’re never going to get together? Why exactly are you wasting my time? Ugh.

I am someone without a big ego to have to maintain. Someone who has the courage to tell you what you need to hear rather than “what’s nice”. someone who means what they say and sticks to their words. Someone who actually doesn’t care how I look to others, Someone without complications. Someone who doesn’t fear the inevitable. Someone who can admit and accept my own faults no matter how bad they may appear to others.

I will Cut you off silently, you know exactly what you did.

Just Be Real is the mantra I live by. If you’re not just being real with yourself, or me, what’s the point?

TOUCH ME Please!

I’ve noticed how common it is to see people whose whole energy is begging, ‘touch me – please!’ Not that they’re necessarily aware of it, they are looking for me to touch them. It’s just that they may not have had intimate contact with another person in years, and may have even forgotten how to allow themselves to be touched.”

Sneak peak at my new photo shoot!

People are simply unique in their own ways and you are no different. I hope you shine brighter than yesterday!!

May you have no sadness in your heart,

May you have no worries in your mind,

May you have no tensions,

May you have a life full of happiness,

May your body be free of illness,

May you have a spirit to achieve anything you wish for,

Have the best day…🥰

Online Haters!!!

Online hate are an unfortunate part of my life.. While the Internet connects us, it also enables people to spew hate for no apparent reason.

I’ll be upfront with you about the way I handle haters 😏

I ignore them.

That’s my method, so I’m not telling you to do the same. It’s simply been an effective method that has allowed me to stay sane and keep my personal sanity,  Ignoring it.

Online people ,,who frequent forums, chat rooms, comment wells, social networks, and other corners of the Internet to incite strong angry responses from their victims. These people are typically proud of their accomplishments. 

When you get upset with these monsters you are playing into their hands—you are feeding them.

Do not feed into them,🥰


I challenge you to be a little more selfish with your time, to do tasks that make you happy and to start saying “no” to projects and people that are draining you of your time. Know your priorities and be more selfish with your time because life is short and if you aren’t happy, you won’t be able to make anyone else happy.

PLEASE give yourself permission to take care of yourself now. If you put off self-care until work is less busy, your kids are back in school, your house is in order, or some other circumstances are exactly right, you may never get to it. But if you take a brief pause and go through these steps, you can begin to take care of yourself, even when it feels like the responsibilities at home and at work never end.

Me time!

Some people think that they’re so busy and exhausted that they have NO time to set aside time for themselves. Others do take the time to relax and chill but have nagging feelings of guilt.

Unwind at the end of the day by reconnecting with yourself and finding your balance. “Me” time on the daily bases can be something as simple as putting up your feet at night, a cup of tea in hand, with your favorite music playing in the background.

If you have a pet on your lap, then all the better. “Me” time on a weekly basis can be taking a long walk outdoors or treating yourself to me!!!!!!!

NEWS UPDATES !!! MY thoughts!!!

I will be going on tour in Aug at some point,,

New pics coming soon Will be released on my tour!!!

It’s so empowering to say, ‘This isn’t serving me,’ and walk away in peace.”

If I’m honest I don’t care how many Twitter followers I have. It’s a vanity figure. Unless your followers are of a high quality, relevant and can add value to our business or network then in my opinion (because there are lots of people more qualified to talk about this subject than me) the number is largely irrelevant to me”.