Hello Friends.

I’m so sorry I haven’t been back on my blog for such a long time. It’s my main love out of all the socials and the place I feel the happiest sharing thoughts, feelings and updates of myself.

However, it has seemed like a lot of effort to open the laptop and get writing (I need to make it more of a habit) and I had a lot going on… so I made a cup of coffee this morn whilst I catch you up on a few brief bits of the last 2 months.

I completed my Reiki coures!

Im up North for the summer- but will visit Mississauga. In the North I am loving it!

My favorite way to get outside is to take a “breath walk.” I walk for five, 10, or 15 minutes, or more, and simply focus on taking deep inhales and exhales. It’s a form of meditation that clears my busy “mind.” I’m reenergized and ready to go back to whatever task I was doing with a new perspective.

I’m hugging trees! Go to the woods, a garden, or a park, and find a tree that you would like to hug. Stand next to the tree and close your eyes. Relax your senses while breathing in the scent of leaves and bark. Listen to the creaking of the branches. When you feel settled, open your eyes, keeping them unfocused, and walk around its trunk. Feel the unique energy of the tree as your auras meet each other. Ask the tree for permission to touch it. If you feel the tree saying yes to you, begin breathing in its energy. Put your arms around the trunk and press your face to its bark. Embrace the tree for as long as you wish, feeling the roughness of its wood and the strength of its years. Relax into that strength and let the tree support you. You may even be able to physically feel a cyclical flow of energy taking place between your body and the tree.

Breath, Be kind.



Easter schedule!

May the joy of Easter fill your heart with hope, love, and endless blessings. Happy Easter!

Hop on over!!! 🐰

Availability from March 26th till April 1

Tues March 26th till Sat March 30th morning till 8pm

Sunday March 31st – Easter Sunday 9am till 3 30pm

Monday April 1st .10.30am till 6pm

Easter is on its Way!! 🌸

Let me wish each of you all the blessings of the Easter Season. Let us find joy in the simpler things we are being invited to notice. Let us find hope in the resurrection and in each other. This Easter Season may you be released from your burdens of worry and may your hearts fill with the hope of new life.

Cheers to new beginnings and second chances. My wishes for you is love, joy and peace … today, tomorrow and always. 🐰


IF you’ve followed along on my blogs – the actual post Jan 1 , you probably already know that I had mentioned I had big dreams/goals and successfully, I can happily announce that it will finally happen the end of April !

. I can’t tell you how excited I get when writing these words! It took such a long time to get to where I am right now. Also, it is proof that one should never stop believing: dreams can come true and yes, the journey to get there might not be easy but it’s so worth it.

A few of the things that definitely helped me along the way were the following:

  • resilience and embracing change rather fearing it
  • my positivity
  • Praying

Why am I telling you that? Because maybe you’re also working on fulfilling a dream. Maybe you don’t know where to start. Maybe you find it hard to continue believing in it all or you’re actually thinking about giving up.!!

What I’ve learned is that things are never linear. Also, with time I realised how important it is to listen to yourself, trust your gut feeling and blend out the noise around you.

Have you had similar experiences with achieving a goal in the past?

St. Patrick’s Day 🍀

Luckily, this holiday is pretty easy to remember since it always falls on March 17thevery year. While the day of the week changes, the actual date does not. Since the holiday often involves parades and celebrating in local restaurants and pubs, some cities schedule the festivities on the weekend before or after the 17th. Check out my schedule – make sure you don’t miss out on me in Mississauga!!

May the road rise to meet you, May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face, The rains fall soft upon your fields.

Happy Valentines to my Friends!

Happy Valentine’s Day! To all of you who read my blog and my stories and inspire me to keep on writing, I want to wish you a Happy Valentine’s Day. There’s a special place in my heart for YOU.

i want to pass on a bit of Valentine’s love and appreciation to you – all of you who have stood with me, encourage me, read my blogs, and spur me on. Writing is a long and winding road, but you have been there and I appreciate your friendship & love more than you know.

You can celebrate with me in your mind or come visit me!

Thank you for bringing so much love, joy, and adventure into my life. I love you.♥️

January Blues!!

I’ve noticed over this past week that, according to my emails a lot of people have found me because they were searching for intimacy, connection cuddles etc. Cuddling is important – for killing depression (oh, January blues all right) relieving anxiety and strengthening the immune system. Cuddling, hugging – what’s in a name? (maybe the length of time spent doing it?

Apparently, hugs, cuddles , Intimacy are healing.  Heart rate slows, blood pressure stabilises, immune system improves. Hugging increases oxytocin, especially in men and so can lessen stress !

Feeling a little down in the dumps lately, or stressed out? The solution may be in the bedroom with me!

Having a connection – or even just intimate contact with me - can boost your mood and help relieve stress.

An orgasm alone is enough to flood the brain with oxygen and feel-good chemicals like oxytocin, known as the “love hormone,”

Happy New Year 🎉

As this year comes to an end and the New Year is upon us, I wanted to offer my heartfelt thanks for your continued support .

May you find moments of tranquility, self-reflection, and joy now and during this New Year . However you choose to celebrate, I extend my warmest wishes and the very best in the coming year.

I can’t really be bothered for New Year’s resolutions this year if I’m honest. I feel like some of you love resolutions and are somewhat achievable and fun to tick off a list. But for me, the things I want to achieve in 2024 are so big and daunting, I don’t want to put that pressure on myself. The list of big things I want to do this year is huge , so I’d rather just take it a step at a time instead of overwhelming myself with things to achieve. Being a grown up means always having a list of to-do’s and responsibilities!

I’m not looking too far ahead, let’s just figure what to do in January for now. I’ve achieved so much in the last 10 years. Life seems to go so fast, so this year I want to always remember to live in the moment, not think too far ahead, appreciate what I have, spend time with the people that matter (because who cares if the people who don’t like you choose not to be with you?)

Here’s to a New year and the same old me because why constantly try to change something when instead you can just learn to accept yourself for who you are and just enjoy life.
